BY PROF. V. RAMAMURTHYDepartment of Chemistry, University of Miami Coral Gables, FL, USA
Time: 3:30 pm
Date: 5 March 2015
Venue: CSIR-IICT Auditorium, Uppal

About the lecture:
Photochemistry deals with the understanding and utilization of interaction of light with matter. Sun, the ultimate source of light, has been recognized and worshipped by various civilizations as the origin of prosperity for several centuries. Only during the last hundred years has the properties of light and the mechanism of its interaction with molecules and matter been understood and has resulted in its exploitation for the benefit of the society. Thus photochemistry and photophysics play a crucial role in our everyday life, a role not sufficiently recognized by the common person. This talk will provide examples of how ‘interaction of light with matter’ has changed the way we do things during the last five decades.

About the speaker:
V. Ramamurthy is a a researcher and administrator (department chair, during 2004 to 2014) at University of Miami (2005- till date). He has co-authored a textbook “Modern Molecular Organic Photochemistry” (N. J. Turro,V. Ramamurthy and J. C. Scaiano), which is of significant value to photochemists and physical organic chemists. Ramamurthy has authored 370 scientific publications and co-edited 20 monographs and special issues for various journals.

About IGNA:
The Indo-German Nachkontakt Association (IGNA) was founded in May 1985 under the umbrella of the then Max Mueller Bhavan, Hyderabad. The objectives of IGNA are to provide a forum and an opportunity to maintain Nachkontakt between returnees who visited Germany under different exchange programs. One of the important activities of IGNA is to organize annual 2-day seminars , which are of great relevance to industrial development and social and cultural needs of India.
BY PROF. V. RAMAMURTHYDepartment of Chemistry, University of Miami Coral Gables, FL, USA
Time: 3:30 pm
Date: 5 March 2015
Venue: CSIR-IICT Auditorium, Uppal
About the lecture:
Photochemistry deals with the understanding and utilization of interaction of light with matter. Sun, the ultimate source of light, has been recognized and worshipped by various civilizations as the origin of prosperity for several centuries. Only during the last hundred years has the properties of light and the mechanism of its interaction with molecules and matter been understood and has resulted in its exploitation for the benefit of the society. Thus photochemistry and photophysics play a crucial role in our everyday life, a role not sufficiently recognized by the common person. This talk will provide examples of how ‘interaction of light with matter’ has changed the way we do things during the last five decades.
About the speaker:
V. Ramamurthy is a a researcher and administrator (department chair, during 2004 to 2014) at University of Miami (2005- till date). He has co-authored a textbook “Modern Molecular Organic Photochemistry” (N. J. Turro,V. Ramamurthy and J. C. Scaiano), which is of significant value to photochemists and physical organic chemists. Ramamurthy has authored 370 scientific publications and co-edited 20 monographs and special issues for various journals.
About IGNA:
The Indo-German Nachkontakt Association (IGNA) was founded in May 1985 under the umbrella of the then Max Mueller Bhavan, Hyderabad. The objectives of IGNA are to provide a forum and an opportunity to maintain Nachkontakt between returnees who visited Germany under different exchange programs. One of the important activities of IGNA is to organize annual 2-day seminars , which are of great relevance to industrial development and social and cultural needs of India.
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