What is the link between politics and performance? Which political and economical factors are crucial for theathre as culture industry? If you are interested in these and other topics related to theatre, politics and democracy, we are pleased to invite you to
9:00 am to 5:30 pm
6-10 July 2015
University of Hyderabad

There were times in history when it was possible to use the term ‘democracy’ as an absolute ideal for universal good. Over the centuries, and especially after the supposed triumph of democracy with the end of cold war, history has been witnessing institutional and constitutional betrayals, exclusions, torturous oppression and even massacres perpetrated in the name of democracy. At a time when ‘democracy’ becomes neo-colonial war cry in the international arena and, in many countries, a way for dictatorial forces to gain power and suppress dissent through violent means, it is important to unpack the concept and see what is relevant and good about it and how it is relevant for what we do as practitioners and scholars in theatre. This has implications not only for theatre practice as part of the public sphere, but also for scholarship and for visualizing better institutional structures. 2015 IFTR conference explores all aspects of theatre and democracy.

Registration is required.
To register contact : iftr2015@uohyd.ac.in
For more information visit : http://www.iftr2015hyd.in/
9:00 am to 5:30 pm
6-10 July 2015
University of Hyderabad
There were times in history when it was possible to use the term ‘democracy’ as an absolute ideal for universal good. Over the centuries, and especially after the supposed triumph of democracy with the end of cold war, history has been witnessing institutional and constitutional betrayals, exclusions, torturous oppression and even massacres perpetrated in the name of democracy. At a time when ‘democracy’ becomes neo-colonial war cry in the international arena and, in many countries, a way for dictatorial forces to gain power and suppress dissent through violent means, it is important to unpack the concept and see what is relevant and good about it and how it is relevant for what we do as practitioners and scholars in theatre. This has implications not only for theatre practice as part of the public sphere, but also for scholarship and for visualizing better institutional structures. 2015 IFTR conference explores all aspects of theatre and democracy.
Registration is required.
To register contact : iftr2015@uohyd.ac.in
For more information visit : http://www.iftr2015hyd.in/
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